
HOSHI HAIR DESIGNでは、ただ「オーガニック」という名前にこだわったり、売りにしたい訳ではありません。きちんと髪に良い成分、効果が認められる製品をお客さまに使ってもらいたいのです。
ヴィラロドラオーガニックカラー @villalodola_japanは、
In a world where the term ‘organic’ has become commonplace. But if even 1% of a product contains organic ingredients, it can call itself organic. Well, that’s horrible.
At Hoshi Hair Design, we don’t just stick to the name ‘organic’, nor do we want to sell our products as such. We want our customers to use products that have ingredients that are good for their hair and that are recognised for their effectiveness.
VILLA LODORA Organic Colour @villalodola_japan is,
・92% natural ingredients
・70% reduction of pungent odours
・No irritation to the skin and no irritation to the colourant
・It dyes grey hairs well
・It is also safe for people with sensitive skin and those who are prone to colour stains
・It is also easy to dye repeatedly
The product is also certified by ICEA, an organic certification organisation with strict standards. This colour is highly recommended for people whose grey hair has not been dyed well with other organic colours, people whose hair has become dry, and people who have experienced colourants that stain.
#理美容室 #美容室 #日本橋美容室 #人形町美容室 #三越前美容室 #理容室 #日本橋理容室 #ネイル #日本橋ネイルサロン #シェービング #シェービングサロン #お顔剃り #お顔剃りサロン #dermaplaning #dermaplanefacial #ヘッドスパ #scalpmassage #kaosori #dermaplaningfacial #オーガニックカラー #organiccolor